Jun 12, 2009

Friday Gardening

My plants are getting HUGE! My lemon cucumbers are quickly growing up the little trellis I set up for them. And today the first yellow flower bloomed! Cucumbers can't bee too far off...My cherry tomatoes are also proving to be quite fruitful - I already have 12 little buds!


Katie said...

Ongrats on the garden!!! They all look beautiful!!! :) keep up the green thumb!!

LillyShayStyle said...

I wish I had a garden with my own cucumbers *sigh*

Your sandals are great!

Sarah Knight said...

very good!

our hollyhocks are getting big : )

LucyRavenscar said...

Looking good! I'm trying to grow a few veg this year, if the snails/slugs don't scoff them all. I'm trying courgettes, aubergine (snail's favourite), tomatoes, butternut squash ans sweetcorn. My 6 year old son planted a bean that's doing well, and we've got some lettuces indoors. It's going to be great to eat them all!